Sigh. I know I've written this entry a few time before, but this time it really wasn't my fault, due to several weeks with very limited internet access. In the meantime, I've been to a wedding, settled into a new apartment, gone to Istanbul, and had a week-long visit from a friend from my master's program, complete with the requisite exploration of Budapest and trip to Eger. Eventually I will blog about all these things and put up photos and so on. I promise!
Yesterday was the 20th of August, which is Saint Stephen's day here in Hungary. He was their founder, so to speak, and the 20th of August is sort of their equivalent of the 4th of July in the States. Everyone is happy and out of the house, there are snacks and food stands, and there are fireworks. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I first came to Hungary on the 20th of August, so it has something of a special meaning to me as well. Last night Balint, my new flatmate Anna, and my houseguest Juliet wandered down to the river to watch the fireworks and wound up staying up until two playing cards. At a certain point in the night, walking down to the fireworks, I just kind of sighed. When Anna asked what was up, I really didn't have an answer. I was just happy. And while the fireworks were going off, I just pondered how much my life has changed in three years. I've been abroad for three years now, and it's been an amazing three years.
Of course, the one thing missing from the weekend was the Red Bull AirRaces, which used to be held in Budapest this weekend. Sadly, they were canceled this year, and possibly last year and probably forever, due to safety concerns. But they used to be awesome. They started and ended by flying UNDER THE CHAIN BRIDGE. It was epic. Rest in Peace, Red Bull Air Races. I did miss you.