Thursday, August 19, 2010

Asking for help

I used to be totally unable to do this.  This caused me heaps of trouble in Hungary, especially when I first arrived.  Though I've mostly blocked out the memories, I remember objectively that I spent most of my first few weeks in Hungary confused, stressed, and wondering what I needed to be doing and what could possibly be taking place around me.  Of course, I adjusted.  I learned Hungarian, I made friends, and Budapest became home to me.

A week ago if you had asked me what I learned in Hungary, I would have said things such as "independence" or "bravery" or "um... Hungarian?"  This week, though, I had many questions for my new school.  And I quite naturally booted up my email, and asked the questions.  I didn't get every answer I needed, but I got some.  I also asked for, and got, permission to stay in the school dorms when I first arrive to San Lorenzo while I'm looking for a flat.

It turns out I can learn.  I feel pretty damn good about my newly recognized ability to ask for help.  Thanks, Hungary!

And in that spirit, I address the cosmos and primordial ether: I need a flat!


L's Mom said...

You will get a flat. I love you, Mom xo0o0x

Christie said...

"nincs mit." -hungary