Saturday, August 6, 2011


That, readers, means Sweden.  And that is the jist of Ikea's current big advertising push: that going to Ikea is like going to Sweden.  The billboards all say "Sweden this way!" with arrows and such.  Of course, for me, going to Ikea is not anything like going to Sweden.  Going to Ikea is like going to heaven.  And going to Ikea is like going to hell.  Because I want everything I see, and suddenly I've spent just hundreds and hundreds of dollars.  Or tens of thousands of forints, to be more dramatic.

Today marked my fourth annual Ikea trip, where I go and buy just everything I need for a new apartment.  In this case, this included a bed.  And I figured, since I'm going to be sleeping on it every single day, it should be a nice bed.  So I got the one I liked, with simple clean lines, even though it wasn't the cheapest.  It wasn't that much more than the cheapest, but still.  And I got a nice mattress for it.  Plus a big fluffy duvet, three big pillows, and new sheets.  And all sorts of silly other things were purchased, like a red mop and three dozen clothes hangers and a shower curtain with angry fish drawn on it.

This moving every year thing is expensive, but at least it gives me a chance to dawdle for hours in housewares stores!


Dad said...

Buying a bed--you are now officially an adult!!

Sleep well. Love ya, Dad xoxo

LL's Mom said...

I wish we had an Ikea. I am Glad all is moving all well. Love and miss you, Mom o0xo0xo0