The school year has started, which is a bit insane. The first day of lessons today went well, no problems. Nothing too exciting to say. I've also been made the "assistant head teacher" (it's a slightly different system here) of 2b, formerly my adored 1b. Still adored, no longer 1. And that's really... interesting. Flattering for sure, but the head teacher sort of doesn't speak English. Hmm.
I'm writer's blocky but feel compelled to write, if only so as to not let you down, grandma dee. So, um... a survey?
What bill do you hate paying the most? I pay one: rent. It also includes utilities, and goes to the landlady. However, I will soon start paying an internet bill, and have to go to the post office and do the whole crazy Hungarian bill-paying-thing. So I imagine soon it will be that.
Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner? Lyla and I had a few pretty classy ones over the summer. The last really romantic one in particular was a pot each of cheese and chocolate fondue in a dark bar in L'viv, Ukraine. I am aware of the tragedy involved in this answer.
What do you really want to be doing right now? Breathing deeply, since that hurts after my bike accident!
How many colleges did you attend? one, thus far
Why did you choose the shirt that you have on right now? Well, it's simple and black. And I already wore it for a few hours so it was still fine to wear again. THE WASHERS ARE SO SMALL HERE! NO DRIER!
What are your thoughts on gas prices? no car = irrelevant
First thought when the alarm went off this morning? I calculated exactly how long I could snooze it for, reset it, and went back to sleep.
Last thought before going to sleep last night? I crashed out super quickly last night. Haven't been sleeping well due to the whole rib-hurting thing.
Do you miss being a child? Not particularly. I get to play with them all day, so I'm sure that helps.
What errand/chore do you despise? Taking out the recycling. Don't actually despise it that much to my conscious knowledge, but it 's the one thing that I never get done, so it must be a subconscious thing. Lyla chimes in: it doesn't help that it's three blocks away.
Get up early or sleep in? I'm fine with waking up early and actually sort of prefer feeling like I've done something with my day. The new flat is super dark though... it doesn't help.
Have you found real love yet? I'm happy I did, now I just need something real and also sustainable.
Favorite lunch meat? kolbasz
What do you get every time you go into Wal-Mart? No Wal-Mart. In a shop in general: bread and tomatoes.
Beach or lake? lake
Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual? Hum. I think that it's sort of broken. The lack of inclusion in marriage is frustrating, as is the focus on weddings over marriages. I think marriage should be allowed to be a more flexible thing designed between the two people who enter into one. I see the value in a marriage though... especially when living in a different country. And no, Mom, I'm not going to marry for a green card, so don't get into a tizzy about that. I'm just saying I see how it makes life easier!
Sopranos or Desperate Housewives? Neither. I'd be willing to try the Sopranos though.
What famous person would you like to have dinner with? Well, they're both dead. Jimmy Stewart or, after my summer vacation, John Paul II.
Have you ever crashed your vehicle? Indeed. Just Friday I massively fell! ;) Also the car in high school.
Ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose? No. Funnily, we just had a huge workshop on how to use one at work. Most of my (experienced teacher) colleagues had no idea how to. That gave me pause.
Ring tone? Some obnoxious latin thing that came with my phone.
Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth? On the train tracks of the train station of Brasov in Transylvania in the middle of the night with fizzy water.
Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go? I don't know that California is anywhere near the top of my list. I'd like to be in "Mexico America" again. More time in Yosemite would be nice too.
Do you go to church? It's in Hungarian. I go when I'm in the states.
At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or a new relationship? I'm happy in my career. I'm probably going to move in a year, then again in a year after that, though... neither?
How old are you? 23
Do you have a go to person? poor Lyla for life, poor Balint for work
Are you where you want to be in life? It's a little bit surprising where I am, but yes.
Growing up, what were your favorite cartoons? David the Gnome. Hands down.
What about you do you think has changed the most? Um. Everything? Location for sure. Career for sure.
Looking back at high school, were they the best years of your life? I liked high school, but no. That would be now.
Did you have a pager? My cell phone basically functions as one since I never remember to turn the sound back on after work.
Where was the hang out spot when you were a teenager? My house. I had cool parents. :)
Who do you think impacted your life the most? Cha: my family. And basically just moving so much, meeting so many people, becoming independent and being bitten by the travel bug. And Dr. Roskin.
Was there a teacher or authority figure that stood out for you? Um, Dr. Roskin. And Ms. Campbell in third grade, and Mr. Buehler in high school.
Do you tell stories that start with “when I was your age”? Sadly, yes. To the kiddies.