Thursday, December 23, 2010

Some people like me!

So I recently was informed that I've been listed on a website's "Top 50 Teach Abroad Blogs" list.  And that's exciting and validating, and also a bit terrifying.  I feel a little bit more responsible for the content of my blog now!  And also that I should probably update more, so that should make my old readers, aka my family, happy.

Anyway, they listed a whole bunch of cool blogs, so if you like this one, you might like one of the others as well.  And then you can spend even more time on the internet, yay!  So do check them out.  My real-life friend Christie was also listed, so be sure to check her out, too.

And if any of you have wandered over here from there (welcome!) and are now clicking through blog after blog about living and teaching abroad, and wanting to do it but convincing yourself not to for any number of reasons... stop.  I did that for two years before I worked up the courage to move to Hungary, and that was the single best decision of my life.  Take the leap.  If nothing else, you'll have a great experience and grow as a person.  But if you're a little bit lucky and a lot bit determined, you'll fall in love with a new country, culture, language, and style of life and find your true self in the process.  And that's cheesy as hell, yes, but definitely true.

1 comment:

Christie said...

hey, i'm one of the people who like you!

i'll post a link to your site on mine, too. how thoughtful!

i'm also a little nervous about people reading my blog... since i basically write for my family and a couple of friends. oh well. that's the danger and thrill of the internet, no?