Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I wake up at 6, still a little confused as to where I am. I stumble the ten or so steps across the flat to the bathroom, make toast (which involves matches and open gas fires), pull on some respectable-looking clothes.

(My dad just called... hi Dad!)

Then I stumble down the 8ish flights of stairs, using 3 keys on my way out of the building. I breathe in a snap of cold air, and walk the few minutes to the metro. Catch it, and cram myself into a corner, closing my eyes to avoid the "awkward public transit eye contact." 7 stops later, off and up into the sun, trotting a little bit to catch the number 60 bus. Sweet, a free chair! Damn, an old lady right behind me! Again, cram into a corner and zone off.

Down the stairs off the bus, inevitably whacking someone with my bag or elbow. I'm awkward. Down the stairs to the school, around the flats. Jo reggelt to the woman watering her grapes. Up the stairs to the teachers' lounge, sziastok to the group. Gather notebooks. Wait awkwardly for the bell to ring, surrounded by conversation in Hungarian. To class. My acerbic Hungarian teacher partner informs me what we are doing today. I wonder when I will get to decide that myself. Teach, planning period, teach teach teach.

The first graders throw their hands in the air repeatedly with the frustration that I do not speak Hungarian. I throw my hands in the air with the frustration that they don't understand the phrase "sit down." Ah! Animal pictionary! Excellent, and somehow the 45 minutes are filled.

Back to the teachers' room. How were students? Oh, they were good. The boys were a little crazy.

Gather stuff quickly and flee. Headphones, bus, metro. Errands? Back to the flat. Lay.

I'm quite overwhelmed. I'm happy, and doing ok. I'm just overwhelmed. Must learn Hungarian.

Funny side note: Imagine, if you will, having to maintain a serious face and NOT LAUGH while a colleague explains in all earnestness to a group of children that they "like everything to do with balls." Twice. Because I somehow pulled it off.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, you will not be overwhelmed for long. Pretty soon you'll be throwing Hungarian around as well as the Russians in 56.

Have fun, enjoy the trip and have a nice barack.

Love ya!! xoxox


Anonymous said...

LL, Hang tough. You will get this. Give yourself time to adjust. You are your worst enemy. I love ya. Got your plane ticket to come home in Dec. last night. Yah. Love and miss you so. Love, MOM xo0xo0

Anonymous said...

igem? sure? polkabol? :) you totally know enough hungarian to get by. i totally know no hungarian spelling, I've realized.
miss you here in santa rosa a ton, girl, and I am so impressed by what you're doing! what is your address over there?

Anonymous said...

btw, I love that picture of poodley. Hope you had a great day and have some fun this w/e.

Love ya!!

Dad xoxo

Anonymous said...

Lauren: Hi. I don't know what a blog is. Is it a website or is it like an e-mail address? I read everything on this page. I will save it in my e-mails. Everything seems to be new and different for you. I hope that you will adjust. I am glad to see that you have not lost your sense of humor or sarcasm. I am mailing you something as soon as I can get to the post office. Keep an eye out for it. Tom is in Oregon for work. He's been there since 9/22. I saw your parents tonight. We were at Frankie's for your Grandfather's birthday. Tonight is one of the nights I babysit. Niico slept from 8:00 until 2:00 a.m.. He is awake now and playing like it is the middle of the afternoon. It is 3:58 a.m. Is it o.k. that I wrote this as a comment on this blog thing? If you have access to e-mail, my address is Take care of yourself and be careful. Love, Aunt Francine