visited 21 states (9.33%)
Create your own visited map of The World
Not shabby, if I say so myself. Most of these countries I visited only briefly, staying a few nights in one or two cities, but others (Hungary, Romania, Poland, the Ukraine) I explored more closely, visiting several cities and towns. I've been really lucky to see these places, meet these people, and taste this food. During the summer I promise to write something of a "highlights reel."
Meanwhile... one suitcase packed, with great success. I think I'll have an overweight bag, but I think I'll be able to keep it to two checked bags as well. Whoo hoo! There is something simultaneously terrifying and thrilling about condensing all your belongings into such a small space. My life is portable, and that makes me free.
I cannot wait to see you. I sure do love and miss you. Love, Mom o0xo0xo0
Lauren You seen so many places and have so many wonderful memories You are truely a fortunate person See you soon Love and kisses grandma XOXO
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