Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Toenail thief

I went to bed last night, blissfully unaware of my toenails. I woke up this morning with one toe all bloody, and a large section of the toenail ripped off. Toenail thief? You suck.

So I've spent the evening consoling myself with enchiladas and a mini-marathon of the live-action Tick series. Batmanuel makes me giggle. As I'm sure you can guess by looking at the picture, he is a really inappropriate character. If any of you find yourself the victim of a toenail robbery or other similar misfortune, I can safely recommend this series to you; 9 little 23-minutes episodes in length, it is surreal and hysterical. The tragic thing is that it took me until about the 4th episode to figure out that Batmanuel is a play on Batman. I just figured he was a Hispanic fellow dressed as a bat. Oops.


Dad said...

Is his side kick the Boy Juander?

L's Mom said...

Drinking? Bensalita? It will grow back soon. Glad you are feeling better. Love and miss you, MOM o0xo

L's Mom said...

? 5 hour time difference. xo0o0x

Lauren said...

It's not daylight saving's time here yet. Just like the last three times. :)