Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I have a tiny little dorm fridge.  This is pretty standard here, but I must admit I've been spoiled for the last two years by having a larger fridge.  They weren't anywhere approaching American size, but still.  The little fridge has a crisper drawer, and a shelf.  That's all.  Well, plus the door shelves.  And, really, I don't need anything more and it's totally sufficient for two people's needs.

It does really change the way you cook and think about food, though.  I would guess that between Anna and I, we go food shopping pretty much every other day.  Part of this is due to the size of the fridge, and part of it is due to the fact that food simply goes bad more quickly here.  I'm sure there are less preservatives, and my insides are happy for it.

Yesterday I was food shopping, and I really wanted sloppy joes.  So I bought a bit of ground meat, but the only available package was for a half kilo (a pound).  I took it home, and made myself a portion of sloppy joe. It was delicious.  But then I was left with all this extra meat, and it's not like I can just stick it in the freezer.  So I made pasta sauce.  I haven't made pasta sauce in so long, and I've forgotten how soothing it is.  With everything that's going on right now to make my life more intense, it was so lovely to dice onions, chop herbs, brown meat, and smash tomatoes.

The sauce turned out fantastic and it was even better today after sitting overnight.  After cooking, I always feel like things are going to be better.  And I think they will be.
our baby fridge


laopan said...

If there is a market near your place, they should be able to give you the exact amount of meat you need.

I've gotten quite used to the scornful looks of the butchers (by the looks of whom I'd guess they eat at least 3 kilos of meat every day)when I do the shopping for my wife's Vietnamese cooking.

Me: 20 dkgs of minced meat please... one pig's tail... that's all.
Butcher: Are you sure that won't be too much?


Lauren said...

Ah, yes, the fun looks the market folk give me!

There is a market sort of nearby, but I don't get to it nearly enough. I work too late this year! I used to love going when I lived more downtown.

Anonymous said...

enjoy shopping and cooking love and miss you xoxoxo

LL's Mom said...

I like the fox cabinet. Love, Mom o0xo0x