Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring has sprung

Yes, folks, it is warm and sunny.  My arms are slightly pink from sitting outside waiting for my masters class to start today.  The sky is clear and vibrant blue, free of clouds and already developing the Spanish haze.  Clothes dry in a day instead of three.  The children can run freely outside and are thus saner in the classroom.  I still have to wear my jacket inside of the monastery, but otherwise it is not necessary.

Mom brought me lots of stickers of little bunnies to give to the kids for Easter.  I took one for myself today of a furious-looking chick wearing bunny ears.  Only 5 more days of work before Spring Break, Lyla's visit, and my epic journey to the northern provinces of Spain.

Spring!  Hooray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have fun with Lyla love grandma xoxo